Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Autism Meltdown

Why am I starting this blog off with the fact that my middle son is having an Autistic meltdown?  No time like the present to start a blog.  I have to vent somewhere.  I have no where else to vent, and besides, who else really cares?  The meltdowns happen when he cannot get his way, and we are not giving in.  I am so tired.  I work two jobs, and run a multi-level marketing business of great natural products on line.  I have literally bitten off more than I can chew, but I have to.  I feel myself shutting down, and wonder if anybody else is going through something similar.  The meltdowns always come at the wrong time, and consist of loud crying like a siren, kicking walls, and falling down.  Oh wait!  There is then the constant running up and down stairs.  This goes on for hours.  We can't fill him with medications, so we opt for an all natural approach.  Teachers used to say, "Silence is golden."  It really is.  Every time this happens, we pray for that moment when it will end.  Sometimes we just retreat and try to block it out.  Eventually it stops. 

Earlier, I made dinner, fed the youngest child and the middle son.  The middle son is 16 now, and has a black hole for a stomach.  I mean, when does it end?  Is he really that hungry all of the time?  He can't be.  Do we feed him until he stops?  He is so skinny, eats for two people, and never gains any weight.  You have to be kidding me.  The meltdown initially started because I refused to keep feeding him.  He had a sufficient amount of food, but wanted to continue eating.  Unfortunately for him, there are 5 other people who have to eat also. 

The quiet has come.  Yeahhhhh! I am so happy, but worn out.  Hubby has taken the Baby girl to track practice, and I am home with my boys.  Now is the perfect time for Peace and Calming and the wonderful sent of Frankinsense.  It's amazing how the aromas of essential oils can restore peace and balance.  I am diffusing all through my house, so that the rest of the night will go smoothly.  Our next hurdle will be getting the middle son to sleep through the night.  I guess I need to see how much Lavender, Peace and Calming, and Frankinsense essential oils I have left.

Until Next Time,
Mother's Nature

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